All About Mythshome

  1. Ancient Myths About The Sun
  2. Myths About Alcohol
  3. All About Myths Home Builders
  • Add it all up, and you are probably losing more value by spreading yourself too thin by committing to caring for your loved one rather than hiring a trained professional. Myth 5: Home Care Isn’t Long-Term. Some individuals will need long-term care, and you may feel as though in-home care is a temporary fix.
  • Click the image to enlarge. Click the image to enlarge.

Diverse Fostering is based in Tunstall, Stoke on Trent. Contact us by phone or email to get started. Feb 04, 2015 And while that’s all well and good–reality can be pretty dull–it has created numerous myths about the way the world works that are now believed across the globe. Be it the way laser guns would actually look, how phone calls are really traced, or what it would truly take to bring back the dinosaurs, here are ten movie myths you probably.

At Dreams and Mythology, our aim is to cultivate a more conscious relationship with the whispers within us.

When you reflect on your life, perhaps you find a thread you’ve been following (or ignoring).

That thread is what we are listening for…

In the Myths. In our Dreams.

Look, I don’t know who (or what) the Dream-Maker is.

This whole thing is mysterious.

But that’s beautiful, isn’t it?

Our goal is not to decipher some cryptic message sent from an unknown source… thereby achieving some enlightenment or transcendence.

Sorry folks, no gimmicks here.

Where do dreams come from? Why do myths follow universal patterns?

I don’t know.

But I do know that there is an ocean under us, hidden, awaiting to be explored.

And I Love Mystery

My interest in dreams began as a teenager. My cousin and I would take turns sleeping– and then waking each other 8-10 minutes later.

“What did you dream this time? Did you see the girl again?”

It was fun, playful, and we were lucid dreaming without knowing what that was, or what it was called.

But the more we dreamt, the more we wondered…

  • What do these nocturnal dreams mean?
  • How can I learn more about lucid dreaming?
  • Who is the dream-maker?

As high-school drew to a close, my father asked me what kind of work I wanted to do in the world, post-college.

“I don’t really know,” I said.

“Well, what are your interests?” (Dad)

“I think dreams are pretty cool”…

My Dad hurried off to the garage and retrieved a neuroscience textbook from his university days, and handed it to me. “You should consider psychology”.

Answer the Call (Subscribe)

You’ve been invited. The call to adventure awaits. Realize the Hero within.

I’ll Skip Most of the Story Here…

The short version is– I didn’t realize that dreamwork was such an integral part of Depth Psychology, and psychoanalysis.

I didn’t know who Carl Jung was. Or Joseph Campbell.

And I didn’t follow my bliss.

But here I am, over a decade later, and this fascination with Dreams persists.

And it actually wasn’t until fairly recently that I learned about the connection between Mythology and Dreams.

Forever a Student

Before I begin pontificating … with a (no doubt) excessively lengthy, wordy, and crude explanation of the threads that exist between the personal and transpersonal, the Human and God, or the personal unconscious and the collective… let me state loud and clear:

I don’t know the answers.

We can’t contain the mystery of the beyond in some dream-dogma, and I don’t intend to hand you a series of blog posts are emails that unveils the mystery.

But Here’s the Beauty of This Mystery

You have access to it.YOU can touch upon it. You can live it with your feet. You can dance with it, dream with it, feel it in your bones, and sense it in your heart.

Enter the Myth

Myths, stories, legends, folklore, all point to something within (and without).

As we listen, if we have ears to hear, we connect with the mystery.

In order to do this… we need to listen both to the stories and to ourselves. To our own inner being. What’s going on in there?

Enter the Dream

In dreamworld, we have a door into the unconscious. And we have it every day of our lives. (Well, every night of our lives).

Unless you like to take naps. (I do). Then you get both.

Dreams bring us gifts. Invitations.

Here at, we mostly focus on playful but sober participation with the imagination, with an aim to establish relationships with disassociated aspects of our psyche, to integrate unconscious pieces of our larger selves.

How Do Dreams and Myths Connect?

Archetypes and Myths show us universal patterns of nature, and in our dreams, we step into our individual expressions of these great patterns.

By Peter Mangiola Rn Msn

The following is an excerpt of a great article by Peter Mangiola.

Ancient Myths About The Sun

4 Common Myths about In Home Care

In today’s society, there are more options than ever before for all types of products and services. Elder care is no different. A growing number of New Jersey families are considering in home care to help provide for the needs of their aging loved ones.

All About Mythshome

Related Post: Common Myths About Hospice Care

What is In Home Care?

Myths About Alcohol

In home care is a viable option for those who are disabled or aging and can no longer be safely left alone in their homes. Some of our patients just need a companion for an hour or two a week, while others require round the clock care for conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. Because each individual circumstance is unique, we are able to create a customized plan to fit the specific needs of each client we serve. Whatever level of care is necessary, an in home care agency can deliver.

All About Myths Home Builders

Contact Phoenix Home Care for more information on our services.