Add 1st Edition Character Sheet Pdflogfasr

Character sheet maker

  1. Add 1st Edition Character Sheet Pdflogfasr Sheet
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The most popular, and oft-copied, accessories for the game. Keep track of yourplayer character (or non-player character) on an organized sheet.

One small problem is the AD&D 1E sheet does not have a 'Preview image' or a Description. But it is an available selection in the drop-down menu where the DM chooses the character sheet under the Campaign Settings. Because of no Preview image, it doesn't pop up quite as 'obvious' as all the other sheets on the list, so that is a curious omission. Add to Wishlist. A digital character sheet for the 1st edition of the Legend of the Five Rings RPG. This app was written for personal use and will not have. There are actually tons of other things missing on this sheet that are ordinary on AD&D 1e paper sheets, but I've determined that the Player can adequately use the Bio & Info tab, so that other fields are not necessarily needed on the character sheet.

We've divided them into three groups, based on their corresponding gamesystem.


Original Dungeons & Dragons

  • 1975: Dungeons and Dragons Character Record. Top-tearingpad, which came in either green, orange, or white. Never distributed to the public(apparently used only internally at TSR). No cover. Thanks to Kynan Connor for helpwith this info.

  • 1975: Character Archaic. Published by Wee Warriors (ofPalace of the Vampire Queen fame), and distributed byTSR. The first publicly-available character sheets. Red cover, featuring cover artby Morno. Contains 24 pages, consisting of 20 character sheets, a dungeon map (labeled'The Wizard's Tomb'), a creature encounter sheet, a character roll call, and a combatmatrix reference. Three-hole-punched and bound with metal fasteners.

    • First (1975): Cover cardstock is smooth. Interiorhas an advertisement by Morno, the artist. States on theinterior cover page that it's the First print. Does not indicate that it wasdistributed by TSR. Interior pages are yellow. Thanks to Jeff Philbrick forthis info, and the scan.

    • Second (1976?): Cover cardstock is rough andtextured, like most subsequent Wee Warriors products. States on theinterior cover page that it's the First print. Interior has a notice thatit was distributed by TSR. Interior pages are yellow (though a version has been spottedwith a combination of light blue, light yellow, and dark yellow character sheets). Thanks to Wayne Mitchell for help with this info, and for the scan.

    • Third (Apr 1977): Cover cardstock is now cream-colored,and bound by fasteners at the top instead of the left side. States on theinterior cover page that it's the Second print. No longer distributed by TSR, butby Wee Warriors exclusively. Interior pages run lengthwise, and arecream-colored. Slightly less than 1,000 copies of this print weredistributed. Thanks to Doug Bartholomew and Pete Kerestan for this info, and toDoug Bartholomew for the scan.

    • Fourth: Cover is cream-colored like the Thirdprint, but now stapled at the top as opposed to being fastened. Pages arewhite. Thanks to Christian Fiset for this info.

  • 1976: Dungeons and Dragons Character Record. Orange,top-tearing pad. Never distributed to the public (apparently used only internally atTSR). Has a 'trademark applied for' line on the bottom left. Nocover.

1975 Character RecordCharacter Archaic (1st)Character Archaic (2nd)Character Archaic (3rd)1976 Character Record

Dungeons & Dragons

  • 1977: Character Record Sheets. Tom Wham artwork oncover. Lizard logo, and states 'TM Reg App. For'.

    • First: TSR stock # F-1009. Only two copies of thisprint have been spotted; both are side-tearing pads, with 27 or 28 sheets. Bothhave grey covers, with three-hole-punching along the left-hand side; one hasorange internal sheets, while the other's sheets are grey. Thanks to WilliamMeinhardt and Mike Rowlatt for this info, and to Mike Rowlatt for the scan.

    • Second: TSR stock # 9014. Only three copies ofthis print have been spotted. Side-tearing pad of 27 sheets. One copy has apale orange cover, another has a light blue cover, and the third has a pinkcover. All have orange internal sheets, and three-hole-punching along theleft-hand side. Thanks to Adrian Newman, William Meinhardt, and Hussain Zaman for thisinfo, and to Javier Murillo for the scan.

    • Third: TSR stock # 9014. Top-tearing pad with 25+sheets (actual number appears to be somewhat random). Versions with blue or greencovers and sheets have been reported (other than colors, they appear identical). Thanks to John Justice for help with this info.

  • 1978: Character Sheets. Distributedby Games Workshop under TSR license. 50-sheet pad. Allen Hunter cover. Alsocompatible with AD&D. (Link takes you to the Games Workshop miscellaneous page).

  • 1979: Character Record Sheets. Tom Wham artwork oncover. Wizard logo. Copyright still reads '1977', but 'TM Reg AppFor' has been removed. Versions with blue, yellow, grey, or green covers and pink,orange, grey, or green sheets have been reported (other than colors, they appearidentical). One copy has been spotted that is a side-tearing pad, but the vast majorityappear to be top-tearing.

  • 1980: Player Character Record Sheets. Blue, full-colorcover with Roslof artwork. 16-sheet side-perforated booklet with pale green sheets. TSR stock # 9037.

    • First (1980): Wizard logo.

    • Second (1981): TSR Face logo. Does not have PieceCode, ISBN, nor Product Code on the bottom rear cover. Product listing on reardoes not have module B3.

    • Third: TSR Face logo. Has ISBN (0-935696-66-0) andProduct Code (397-51546-3TSR0450) on the bottom rear cover, but no Piece Code. Product listing does not contain module B3. Thanks to Hussain Zaman for this info.

    • Fourth: TSR Face logo. Has Piece Code(101-A-9037), and Product Code on the bottom rear cover, but no ISBN. Productlisting contains module B3. Thanks toMichael Deaton for this info.

    • Fifth: TSR Face logo. Has Piece Code (101-A-9037),ISBN, and Product Code on the bottom rear cover. Product listing contains moduleB3. Thanks to Michael Deaton for thisinfo.

  • 1984:AC5 Player Character RecordSheets. Brown cover. Compatible with D&D Basic through Companion sets. 16 pale green character sheets, double-sided (32 pages total). Limiteddistribution, and pulled after a short time. Interestingly, the character sheets bear a'1980 TSR Games' copyright, implying that they weren't updated at all in the interim(thanks to Anthony Cervino for this).

    • First: Olive border around the cover art. Unknownwhether this or the Second print, below, actually came first. Thanks to PaulStormberg for this info, and to Michael Deaton for the scan.

    • Second: Black border around the cover art. Unknownwhether this or the First print, above, actually came first. Thanks to PaulStormberg for this info.

  • 1985:AC6 Player Character RecordSheets.
    Purple cover. Compatible with D&D Basicthrough Master sets. Three separateprintings have been identified, differing only on their rear covers (thanks to Michael Deatonand Rene Hurka for this info):

    • First: Last word of last full sentence of firstparagraph on back is 'you'. The UK address on the back is 'TSR UKLtd.' (next line) 'The Mill, Rathmore Road' (next line) 'CambridgeCB1 4AD' (next line) 'United Kindgom' (the spelling error of'Kindgom' is how it appears on the item). The Piece Code(0-935696-66-0) and the Product Number (394-55195-8TSR0700) are stacked above the whiteUPC barcode box. Thanks to Michael Deaton for the scan.

    • Second: Last word of last full sentence of firstparagraph on back is 'you'. The UK address on the back is 'TSR UKLtd.' (next line) 'The Mill, Rathmore Road' (next line) 'CambridgeCB1 4AD' (next line) 'United Kindgom' (the spelling error of'Kindgom' is how it appears on the item). The ISBN is above the UPCbarcode but within the white bar code box. The Product Number (9037XXX1401) is onthe bottom left and the price ($7.00) is on the bottom right.

    • Third: Last word of last full sentence of firstparagraph on back is 'Sheet'. The UK address on the back is 'TSRLtd.' (next line) '120 Church End, Cherry Hinton' (next line)'Cambridge CB1 3LB' (next line) 'United Kingdom'. The PieceCode (0-88038-048-9) is above the UPC barcode but within the white bar code box. No Product Number. The price ($7.00) now appears in the lower right corner of theback.

    • Fourth: Identical to Third, but now has the ProductNumber on the rear cover, lower left. Thanks to Michael Deaton for thisinfo.

1977 Char Rec Sheets (1st)1977 Char Rec Sheets (2nd)1978 Character Sheets1979 Char Rec Sheets
1980 PC Record Sheets
1980 PC Record Sheets
AC5 Player Char Sheets
AC6 Player Char Sheets

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

  • 1978: Character Sheets. Identicalitem as listed above (it is compatible with both D&D and AD&D systems). Distributed by Games Workshop under TSR license. 50-sheet pad. Allen Huntercover. (Link takes you to the Games Workshop miscellaneous page).

  • 1979: Player Character Record Sheets. Wizard logo. White cover with pink Erol Otus artwork. 'Advanced Dungeons & Dragons' isin large letters centered across the top, and 'Player Character Record Sheets' isbelow the cover artwork. 32 gold sheets. TSR stock # 9028. (Thanks to MikeDeaton, Matthew Dawe, and John Kozol for help with this info). There are two variationsof this print:

    • First: Purple cover. Second 'AdvancedDungeons & Dragons' in first text block does not have a 'TM' afterit. Last word in first text block on the cover is 'No'. Backcover does not list modules S3, C1, or B2. (Thanks to Mike Deaton for the scan).

    • Second: Pink cover. Second 'Advanced Dungeons& Dragons' in first text block has a 'TM' after it. Last wordin first text block on the cover is 'facilitate'. Back cover does listmodules S3, C1, and B2.

  • 1979: Permanent Character Folder & Adventure Records. Wizard logo. Erol Otus artwork on cover. 16 sheets: two white (heavy stock)double-sided pages comprising the Permanent Character Folder, and 14 blue (perforated)double-sided pages comprising the (temporary) Adventure Records. TSR stock # 9029. Versions have been reported with both pink and green covers (thanks to John Justice for helpwith this info, and to Bill Willet for the scan).

  • 1979: Non-Player Character Records. Wizard logo. Light blue cover with Erol Otus artwork. 'Advanced Dungeons & Dragons' isin large letters centered across the top, and 'Non-Player Character Records' is belowthe cover artwork. Side-perforated booklet with gold sheets. TSR stock # 9030.

  • 1981: Player Character Record Sheets. TSR Face logo. Pink cover with Erol Otus artwork. 'For Advanced D&D Game' is in an angledbanner to the upper left, and 'Player Character Record Sheets' is centered at thetop. 32 gold sheets. TSR stock # 9028. Copyright date at the bottom states'1980, 1981', implying the earlier printing was in 1980... this appears to be inerror (the earlier printing was 1979). There are actually three variations of this print,all of which are identical save for the following differences (thanks to Matthew Dawe and JohnJustice for help with this info):

    • First: ISBN on lower left rear cover. On the frontcover, the last word on the first line is 'have', and titles of products inthe text blocks are in all capital letters (such as in the first sentence,'ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS PLAYER CHARACTER RECORDS are here!') Product listing on back cover is in two columns. Printed in 1981.

    • Second: Identical to First, but ISBN and Product Numberstacked on lower left rear cover.

    • Third: ISBN (only) on lower left rear cover. Textblocks on the cover now 'wrap' at different points; the last word on thefirst line is now 'especially'. Product titles in the text block arenow mixed-case. Product listing on back cover is now in a single column. Probably printed sometime between 1981 and 1984.

  • 1981: Permanent Character Folder & Adventure Records. TSR Face logo. Green cover with Erol Otus artwork. 16 sheets: two white (heavystock) double-sided pages comprising the Permanent Character Folder, and 14 blue (perforated)double-sided pages comprising the (temporary) Adventure Records (though a copy has been spottedwith 16 blue sheets, for a total of 18 sheets). TSR stock # 9029. Thanks to JosephWiley for help with this info, and to Bill Willet for the scan.

  • 1981: Non-Player Character Records. TSR Face logo. Light blue cover with Erol Otus artwork. 'For Advanced D&D Game' is in an angledbanner to the upper left, and 'Non-Player Character Records' is centered at thetop. Side-perforated booklet with gold sheets. TSR stock # 9030. There aretwo variations of this print: the First print lacks an ISBN and Product Number on theback cover; the Second print has them. No other differences (thanks to Mike Deatonfor this info, and to Brian Adamik for the scan).

  • 1984: AD&D2 Accessory Player Character RecordsSheets. Blue, full-color cover with (Jeff Dee) artwork (actually lifted from the rearcover of T1 Village of Hommlet... thanks to Scott Grayfor noticing this). Angled TSR logo. Gold sheets. TSR stock # 9028. Line at bottom of front cover lists 'Advanced Dungeons & Dragons' and'Products of Your Imagination' as trademarks; this spans one line. (Thanks toMichael Deaton and Eric Passfor help with this info).

  • 1984: AD&D GAME2 Accessory Player Character RecordSheets. Identical to the above, but with the addition of 'GAME' to thetitle bar, and the added trademarks of 'AD&D' and the TSR logo to the line at thebottom of the front cover (now spanning two lines). It appears that this cover wasre-done simply for the purpose of adding the new trademarks. (Thanks to Michael Deaton for helpwith this info).

  • 1986: New cover art, in line with the redesign of the AD&D manuals (orange spine). Orange band across the top, and bears the code REF2. White character sheets with tan- and orange-shaded boxes; format is updated to incorporatechanges from the Unearthed Arcana andOriental Adventures manuals. Includes'spell planner' sheets. Labeled as the First printing on our REF page. (Thanks to Michael Rooney for help with this info).

  • 1989?: Upgraded the sheets to 2nd Edition AD&D conventions,and changed the cover art. Black cover, AD&D 2nd Edition logo. Sheets aregreen-on-white (though a variation has been reported, with the green ink inside the informationboxes, making them hard to read -- thanks to John Justice for this info). Labeled as theSecond printing on our REF page.

1978 Character Sheets1979 PC Record Sheets1979 Perm Char Folder1979 NPC Records1981 PC Record Sheets
1981 Perm Char Folder 1981 NPC Records1984 GAME2 PC Record1986 PC Record Sheets1989 Char Rec Sheets

Many more iterations of TSR character sheets were published for 2nd Edition AD&D.

Auction Commentary

Pretty much cover-price (that isto say, worthless) across the board. Character sheets weremass-produced and can be found easily. The only exceptions are theearliest (1978 and before) pads, Character Archaic, and accessory AC5, which do have collectible value.


Add 1st Edition Character Sheet Pdflogfasr Sheet

The First and Third printsof Character Archaic are extremely rare; the Second print less so,but still very rare.

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Character Sheet For Writers


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