How To Fix A Broken Tooth Yourself

You’ve been crunching on something hard like candy or ice and you realize that whatever you are chewing on isn’t melting or dissolving. Part of your tooth is broken or chipped off.

  1. How To Fix A Broken Tooth Yourself Professionally
  2. Tooth Putty For Broken Tooth
  3. How To Repair A Broken Tooth Yourself
  4. How To Fix A Broken Tooth Yourself Uk

Although our enamel that’s over the teeth is one of the hardest and the most mineralized tissue in the body, there are limits to it. From falling, getting punched in the face or even biting on something hard can make a tooth chip or break or even be removed completely.

In that event, you do not want to be panicking. Instead here are some basic tips on caring for your tooth.

Cover the tooth with dental wax: dental wax is another effective temporary solution that can fix your broken tooth. Wax might also be available at your local drugstore. Moreover, dental waxing is usually recommended if the crack on your tooth produced a rough edge that could cut our tongue or gums. A broken tooth is never fun. Even so, broken teeth are one of the most common dental emergencies.Breaks can range in severity from small chips to complete fractures. And not only can a broken. When it comes to a broken tooth, you should never try to treat it on your own, but there are some things you can do to temporarily fix it. After scheduling an appointment with your family dentist – try storing.

DIY False Tooth Kit – The Basics

Of course you want to see a dentist right away. When it comes to damages or even a lost tooth it can be damaged further, or get infected quite quickly. You want to avoid losing a tooth so it’s prudent that you actually put together a diy false tooth kit. The reason being that even in the event you don’t need a fake tooth, the materials used can help in covering up broken areas.

Some other self-care measures to consider are things like if you are feeling pain from the tooth you can consider taking ibuprofen or some other over-the-counter pain reliever. You can also rinse your mouth out with salt water too.

How To Fix A Broken Tooth Yourself Professionally

Also if there is a break that causes a sharp or jagged edge consider a diy false tooth kit to cover up the piece. Some other alternatives are getting some chewing gum or wax.

Lastly if you have to eat something, you want to avoid hard food and food that requires a lot of biting down. As such you want to get softer foods or even liquid-based foods.

Potential Treatment

Treatment for teeth will fall down onto how damaged it is. If it’s a small piece of enamel that got broken off, the repair can be done in a single session. Badly damaged teeth can take more visits and will be more expensive. How badly damaged it gets really depends on how well of a treatment you gave it but also how the tooth got broken.

Below are some procedures they’ll do as a diy false tooth kit isn’t a permanent solution.

First to consider is dental filling or bonding. If you used a false tooth kit or wax to fill in the cracks of the tooth the procedure is generally the same thing. The only difference is that the dentist will use a tooth coloured resin to pour into the cracks and keep it glued together.

With bonding it’s the same procedure but requires more work. The dentist will numb the tooth then apply a liquid or a gel to make it rough before applying an adhesive into the tooth. They then shape it and then Harden it with an ultraviolet light.

The other common method is the dental cap or the crown. In the event where a large piece of the tooth or the entire top is broken a dental cap or a crown respectively would be appropriate.

For dental caps the idea behind it is basically a mold that covers over the damaged tooth. Normally the permanent caps are made of metal and are then fused with more metal, resin, or ceramic.

With crowns, patients go through a two visit process, first to get the shape of the crown and insert a temporary crown. The second visit is inserting a permanent crown and cementing it in place.

Teeth cracks and breaks represent a significant number of dental visits. The treatment you require depends on various factors, such as the degree of the crack and the location of the tooth, the tooth’s specific history of treatment, and the presence of decay and infection. Most dental cracks and chips are superficial and easily remedied, but serious fractures and breaks require more intensive restoration or possibly extraction.

Tooth Putty For Broken Tooth

Contact us immediately if your tooth cracks in half. Don’t put off repairing a broken tooth. The risk of infection in the tooth’s pulp and the gum and bone beneath the damaged tooth increases signficantly for every day you put off seeing a dentist. Continue to brush your teeth regularly until you can schedule the visit, but be extra cautious when brushing so as not to exacerabate the problem.

How To Repair A Broken Tooth Yourself

What causes teeth to crack or break?

How To Fix A Broken Tooth Yourself Uk

People who grind their teeth at night or clench their teeth during the day are at risk for cracks and breaks. If you wake up with pain in your jaw or a headache, this could be a sign you are doing damage to your teeth. If you notice yourself clenching your teeth as a response to stress, you’re also doing damage.

If your teeth are misaligned, you’ll place too much force in one region, increasing the risk of breaks. Teeth can be damaged due to injury and will be cracked or broken on impact. These types of breaks are serious, so seek urgent advice. If you use your teeth as a tool, by doing things such as cutting thread or opening bottles, you risk chipping the enamel.

Treatment options


We will assess the damage and determine what treatment options are available for treating the tooth.

1 – Simple bonding

If you have a very superficial crack in your tooth and you aren’t experiencing pain, bonding is an excellent and simple remedy. We can repair the crack with the same material used to create white fillings, known as composite resin. Composite resin is similar to putty and is matched to the color of your tooth. This is the ideal solution for patients with craze lines, which run down the enamel of your teeth.

2 – Veneers

There are three types of veneers: porcelain, composite, and lumineers. Veneers are popular because they are matched to the shape and color of your teeth and can also be reshaped to give you even better-looking teeth. They are a great option for restoring cracked or broken teeth and can last for decades, but they aren’t a good fit for patients who grind their teeth because they can be damaged.

3 – Crowns

A crown is a type of cap placed over the flat chewing surface of the tooth which provides strength to your damaged tooth. This is the best option for patients with a fractured cusp, the technical term for the part of the tooth responsible for grinding. While these types of breaks aren’t painful, leaving them untreated means you run the risk of losing the entire tooth.

4 – Root canal

If you have a severely cracked tooth, it is possible damage has migrated deep into the tooth, known as the pulp. The most common symptom of this issue is pain, especially when you are eating something cold such as ice cream or something hot like soup. A root canal is a common dental procedure.

A root canal involves removing the damaged nerve so the infection cannot spread any further. After a root canal, it is common for teeth to be capped to provide the tooth with additional strength.

5 – Dental implants

If a crack is left untreated, it can migrate below the gums. This means the tooth is no longer able to function and must be extracted. A popular option after an extraction is to replace the missing tooth with a dental implant. An implant is reasonably straightforward and painless. After the insertion of a screw, a prosthetic tooth is placed on top. Implants take place over a series of appointments.

If you think your tooth might be cracked or broken, contact our office immediately so you can avoid further damage and possible infection, and possibly save your tooth.